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You ask - we answer!

Geek Gift Registry is designed to be your one-stop shop when searching for Pop Culture Collectibles that you want to add to your collection!

You start by using the search feature to find what you're looking for, and you can either click through to the item there-and-then, or add it to your wishlist to purchase at a later date!

Once you've logged-in to Geek Gift Registry, you can then click through to your wishlist, and from there, click on the "Share Wishlist" button, where you enter the email and name of the person you want to share the wishlist with. It's as simple as that!

You don't have to register to use the search functionality, but you will need to in order to add items to a wishlist. We take your privacy very seriously, and want to make sure that your wishlist is only accessible to you and anyone it is shared with.

No, we don't. All we're doing is making it easier for you to find the items that you're looking for, without having to go to multiple sites individually.

Some sites will have the same item listed under multiple categories, and rather than try to guess whether or not an item is the same, we show all listings that have a unique url.

The source sites that we query to load the items shown in our searches aren't consistent in how they categorize and theme products, so our algorithm sometimes has to make a best guess at what those may be. We're continually tweaking it to improve the results.

Collecting is fun, but can also be frustrating when things are limited and sell out before you're able to buy them, but that doesn't mean that you'll never get a chance again. We include links to sold out items so that you can still add them to your wishlist and never forget about that holy grail item!

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2024 All Rights Reserved © Geek Gift Registry.